Thursday 3 April 2014

Why should we enlarge the borders?

What follows are three reasons why I think London's borders should be enlarged.

Firstly because of Tax. Suburbs with richer residents use a lot of public facilities in London but often pay less tax than those living closer to the centre. This is because the boundaries work in such a way that the rich vote in the party they want on the promise of lower council tax and then get lower tax. However if they were part of Greater London the council tax could increase slightly and  could be put to great use to helping the poorer people living in less well off parts of the capital.

Secondly they would get representation in the Greater London authority and the London assembly. A larger population for London could also increase the mandate the authority has for devolving more powers from national government into the Greater London Authority.

Thirdly the M25 is already seen by most as London's natural boundary so making this formally the case would not be too shocking. My idea to expand outside the M25 in the case of Slough is because culturally Slough is very similar to inner city parts of London with it's very high immigrant population. I also mentioned making a few towns on the part of Thames estuary that currently borders Greater London part of London, this should be done because this area is currently home to Lakeside and Bluewater shopping centres both very much London shopping centres also the towns in this area in many cases have the M25 running through them. I included other areas, such as St Albans, Woking and Hemel Hempstead, that I included in the expanded London as they were firmly part of London's built-up area.

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